Sam Thompson
Samantha Thompson, known as Sam, is a highly skilled illustrator specialising primarily in pencil drawing, collage, printmaking, and the expressive use of paint marks. Her artistic endeavors are centered around the exploration of lines and the intricate interplay between positive and negative spaces. Thompson displays a particular fascination with the study of structures and the captivating patterns they give rise to.
This exploration extends to both natural and man-made environments, as Sam draws inspiration from the inherent structures found in built forms, architectural elements, and the organic shapes of plant life and trees. The artist keenly observes patterns that often go unnoticed or remain hidden in the tapestry of everyday life.
Moreover, Sam contemplates the evolving relationship between the natural environment and the encroachment of constructed forms and ongoing construction activities. This reflective process invites viewers to consider the delicate balance between the organic and the man-made in our surroundings.
For a closer look at Sam's artistic journey, you can follow her on social media @samthompson2451